Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Another life story about how Seals changed my life... Along with some info.

Tadaaah. It's me. Turtle. The "promoter/organizer"- aka new Monk Seal. If you guys haven't heard, we're starting up the Seals club again, on September 11th. I know nobody really reads this besides a select few, but I'm hoping for this to be our little bulletin of shenanigans later, after we give word about this to the new 7th graders.

Much like Erica and Mr. Swag, this club literally kept me sane. As a struggling 6th grader, I barely moved up to 7th grade, hoping the terrible decisions I made wouldn't repeat in 7th. When I heard about Seals in 6th grade, I missed the performance. That's when these Academy kids were in 7th grade. I don't know why, but I got so depressed from missing that performance... so when I heard about the club in 7th grade, I ran right up. I didn't know anything. I just sat there and listened. I was a complete and total (yes, I will say this) noob.

But, I wanted to become part of the troupe. I wanted something more. Something that would keep me busy from the crazy world we call Reality. So, inevitably, I auditioned. And I failed miserably. Taddah. That's me. But you, yes you, the person reading this, accepted me. Into the world of the SEALS. And apparently, everyone voted me as Monk Seal. I seriously did not expect that. Ever since that point, I've learned to "Fail Gloriously" in every single step of my life. Because admit it. I'm a clumsy maniac. So thank you. Thank you for giving me the confidence that I have today.

I hope to see you guys (even the academy kids if possible) on September 11th. It's at lunch, as usual.
k bai now.
~The clumsy awkward monk seal who likes to drop pencils / Marie

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