I figure bullet points will be effective. Am I right? I guess we'll see.
- The Academy chapter is now the KOALAs: Keiki Oka Aina Laulima Aloha to any outsiders who ask what it means, but there's actually a super-secret abbreviation that KOALA really stands for. Maybe we'll share it here eventually. Hint: the L is for Loser.
- I, Audrey, am now the meeting leader person because we still don't have an advisor; that means I send out emails and lead meetings and keep everyone organized. Michael is the diplomat communicator person; basically the Benjamin Franklin of the KOALAs. You know, if we were in the middle of a Revolutionary War. Which could be a good analogy for high school. Anyways.
- We're going to stick to practicing improv; no performing yet until we're either really professionally good or until we're seniors because at that point we'll have the advantage over everyone else so ha ha ha you can't laugh at us even if we fail gloriously. Although at that point Michael will be graduated. *head spins from thoughts about the future*
- We're not adding any new members because we don't have anyone to teach about improv yet and we don't exactly wanna teach it ourselves. Yet, anyways.
... that's kind of all we decided. Oh well. We knocked out everything on the agenda anyways, so we must have decided something important.
I'm really missing 7th grade improv right now. Those were the good, simple days, where I honestly didn't care what anyone thought about me. No, dang it, Audrey, this wasn't going to be a deep post to make all readers sob and applaud to their computers about your deep, John Green-worthy words. Yeah, I guess you're right, other me. I guess that's all for now. I'll continue to bring you all the updates and snark from the Academy improv club! (Although Keith would probably do snark better than me. Let's be honest, Keith does everything better than me. Keith does everything better than everyone. And he's not even paying me to say this. Let's be honest again, the K in KOALA stands for Keith. I'm serious on that one. It actually does stand for Keith. Not sure what we were thinking on that one. Well, maybe I do. Is there a limit to how much stuff you can put in one pair of parentheses? I'm supposed to be finishing my World Civ homework. Sorry, Mr. Peer. There are more pressing matters at stake here.)
A great man once said, "Farewell friends, thanks for reading my post. I'm out, lol peace." I'm pretty sure it was Aesop. Or wait, maybe that was me. (Let's be honest for like the third time, I'm pretty much the same person as Aesop anyways so what does it matter.)
Anyways, I'll leave you with two quotes:
"Thanks for reading all the way down to here. You're awesome." ~ Aesop
"Slow and steady wins the race." ~ Audrey Boyle
ily mahdrey <3