Friday, November 15, 2013

Ubiquitous Underrated Uplifting Updates

Hi guys!

In case you weren't aware, I'm proud to announce that things in the Academy are going swimingly (get it, cause seals are marine mammals?) With the support of the fabulous and currently bearded Mr.Kiang, we've claimed M201 on Friday afternoons. The room is great and we are very fortunate! The rule is that the class/group/teacher using the room at any given time can do whatever they want to the chairs/tables and the next class/group/teacher is responsible for rearranging however they like. This means we have had the fortune of arranging the desks in stage formation and using the chairs as props, cars and sometimes... lethal weapons (i'm so sorry, Nat.)

Audrey has been elected as Sorta-Kinda-Not-But-Almost-Temporary-President-In-Charge-Woman and she is amazing! We are really really grateful for her planning even though we don't always show it and are constantly trying to talk over her :)

But fo realz, to everyone in the KOALAs (keiki oka aina laulima aloha) meetings: Thanks so much for coming! Even though not everyone can make it to every meeting, and some of us don't come at all *cough* T-va *cough*, we are keeping the flames of improv burning in the Academy.

I've taken some pictures on my iPod of our scenes, but now that I have a real camera I might get some good ones and post. Hopefully, Steve will see them.

Until then, here are two of my favorite pictures of all time...
Credit to Marie for staying off-stage to take this ;)
I miss this show! More importantly though I miss having everyone together. 

Alright, that's all for now. Stay exciting mammal friends.

- Erica, Urca, Eatatoe, Ito

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